SNAP/Food Stamps

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Application

The SNAP (previously Food Stamps) application can be found here. Applicants can submit the application online or print a copy to complete and submit via mail. Applicants can also obtain and submit a paper application at their local resource center.

Barriers to SNAP Participation Faced by Older Adults

According to Missouri Foundation for Health Missouri SNAP Basics 2023, only 42% of eligible older adults (aged 60+) participate in SNAP in Missouri. 1 Some common barriers older adults face to participating in SNAP include difficulty completing the application, feeling stigma about receiving government benefits or not wanting to ask for help, lack of access to technology to complete the application, mobility and transportation barriers to applying or recertifying in person, not believing the amount of benefit is worth it, and not knowing they are eligible for SNAP. 2 Each of these barriers has unique solutions.

Difficulty Completing the Application

Feeling like they don't Need Help or others Need it More

Feeling Stigma about Receiving Government Benefits or Not Wanting to Ask for Help

Lack of Access to Technology to Complete the Application

Mobility and Transportation Barriers to Applying in Person

Not Believing the Amount of Benefit is Worth It

Not knowing they are Eligible for SNAP

Senior & Disability Services

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Division of Senior and Disability Services
Area Agencies on Aging

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102

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